Unleashing new tools and unlocking better learning outcomes in education


Educate students about green energy careers in VR

Vinci VR’s education modules are designed to both educate students about the green energy industry, and help them explore future careers across the supply chain. Our education modules have been integrated into STEM curriculum in both K-12 and collegiate degree programs. Explore our content library to find the best module for your needs.

Career Exploration

Industry Education

Workforce Training

Companies like VinciVR will ensure that Massachusetts students are the best educated, best trained and best prepared for the clean energy jobs of the future.

James Pyser,
MA Secretary of Education


Unparalleled Industry Education and Career Exploration

Vinci VR’s industry education modules are proven to rapidly increase student and community understanding of key green energy projects. In addition, Vinci’s career exploration library quickly introduces and filters students for high paying careers in green energy in an immersive, engaging, and realistic way.


Increase in understanding of specific careers within 10 minutes


Increase in green energy career interest



Average Favorability Score of an industry or company after a VR experience


Increase in industry understanding within 5 minutes


VR Career Exploration with Equinor and NYC Harbor School

The US Offshore wind workforce is expected to create 77,000 new jobs by 2030 to fulfill all of the current offshore wind projects. However, US Wind Energy education programs currently face an 80% attrition rate due to the lack of workforce recruiting and career education tools available. To help the US Offshore Wind Industry build its large, local workforce, Vinci developed a VR tool to recruit and filter future workers before they begin expensive training and deployed them in partnership with Equinor with the New York City Harbor school.